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What gender are you? 

- Male 

- Female


What ethnic background are you from?


How old are you?

- 14-15

- 16-17

- 18-19


What social class would you consider yourself to be from?


- Working Class

- Middle Class

- Upper Class

- None of the above


Have you ever listened to Grime music?

- Yes 

- No


Have you watched any of the following films?

- Shank

- La Haine

- Kidulthood/ Adulthood

- Bullet Boy

- London to Brighton

- Nil by the mouth


If yes, where have you watched the above?



- Cinema 

- Online

- Television


What themes would you like to see in a social realist text?


- Gangs and violence

- Drugs

- Domestic abuse

- Prostitution

- Politics

- Racism

Another way we sought out to receive feedback, for our final piece, was by getting people to sit down and watch drafts of our film, which would then be followed by an interview on how they felt about our product.

Carrying out a questionnaire focused on our chosen genre and target audience helped us to understand what our chosen target audience knew of social realist texts and what the expect to see and what existing social realist texts they have enjoyed watching - and somehow liken our film to the conventions of the most favoured social realist texts 

Results from our questionnaire

We handed out a questionnaire about social realism to a niche group from  our target audience 

Carrying out a focus group with our target audience helped us to develop themes and conventions displayed in existing social realist texts 

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

 I gathered four people to view the short film in it's second stage of drafting then asked two out of the group about their views. Before presenting it to the audience, which consisted of both male and female teenagers, I briefed them about the very basis of the film. By this, I mean I told them that the film is of a social realism genre; based on realistic situations in the contemporary world the film is set. This information would have been what a reader could have seen in magazine articles or synopsis’s, meaning that I didn’t give away too much information and didn’t cause bias, only thoughts about realism.

Showing our audience drafts of our final piece whilst developing it helped us to see whether we were going in the right direction and also point out errors we had made and correct them if possible

We found after showcasing one of our drafts was that


- Not many people understood the purpose of the flashbacks that had been incorporated at the beginning of the film  

- A tripod was spotted in the footage 

- Wasn't a solid representation of gang culture due to actors coming across as comical 

- The main character was confident and came across as knowing what he was doing 

- The music was good for the target audience and fit with the theme of film

The audience feedback from the drafts of our film helped us to develop our final product by making amendments and improvments where needed - we then showed more people our product and recieved a much positive response 

Going back to the original question ' what have you learned from your audience feedback' - I have learned that the approach in which you conduct audience research is very significant as it is vital that you can gain an insight into what your audience truly expect and would like to see from a social realist product, plus, by doing so you can correct any errors you have made that you may not be able to see however your audience may.


Additionally, I have learned that criticism is essential as it aids development which can be highly effective if taken seriously and used positively to improve - this is why we used a number of media study students to preview our work then give us constructive criticism on what we could improve however as they were media study students they understood what our film was about also some had seen some elements of our research, planning and pre-production – which is why we also used people out of the media studies department and school so that we could get different opinions to make sure that our target audience actually understood the narrative. What we found was that older people tend to understand the narrative this could be due to life experience and knowledge as for younger teenagers they found it quite hard to understand a few elements of the film for instance the flashbacks at the beginning thus making it more obvious to us that the film would probably be more suited towards the ages 15+ or perhaps it was an issue of class or area of surrounding as the people we showed the film to based around Sutton and Carshalton were more likely to understand the flashbacks as a preview to something bad happening later on during the film but when we showed the film to people from Roehampton and Wandsworth they couldn't really understand and thought it was random thus suggesting perhaps our film might be for a more intelligent group that may understand the use of the flashbacks but apart from the flashbacks everyone we showed the film to understood the themes and issues raised within the film. We wanted our film to be educational and show people the penalty of peer pressure/gang culture which we feel that we achieved quite confidently.


From our audience feedback, I have learned that different forms of research provide different results for example at the very beginning of our project we used close ended questionnaires to gain an insight into what our target audience understood of social realism and whether they had seen existing media texts of our chosen genre. We chose to use close ended questionnaires as we wanted to use a quick method so that our audience could complete it without spending a lot of time however this method of audience research didn’t provide a substantial amount of quality data so that we could make a conclusion about what exactly our audience actually understood by social realism, it just gave us a tick box response. We then decided to follow a qualitative method of gathering data – focus groups and sit down interviews; we were in much favour of these methods as we could ask the audience directly what they meant by a response they had given or to get them to elaborate a point further which really helped us towards our final product.

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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